
Portfolio Picture

Hello, I’m Satoru – a Seattle-based freelance user experience (UX) designer looking to design for the social good. My background in software development and customer service informs my user-centered approach to front-end development.

In 2018 I received my BAS in Application Development. The following year, I took freelance jobs designing and developing websites for small businesses. During that time, I became enamored with the visual and interactive elements of a digital product. In 2020, I sought out a formal education and went back to school for user experience and user interface (UI) design.

As a UX designer, I’m interested in crafting unique digital products that encapsulate the vision of the client and enrich the experience of the end-user. Whether it is a music portfolio or eCommerce, the field of UX and UI is the means by which people can express what they are passionate about in the digital space. Bringing to fruition what is deemed important to my clients is something I strive for.




Wireframing • Prototyping • Information Architecture • Usability Study • UX research • User Survey

Design Tools

Adobe Photoshop • Adobe Illustrator • Adobe XD • Figma


HTML5 • CSS3 • JavaScript • JQuery • ReactJS • PHP • Java

Content Managing Systems
